About this site

"Practical sustainable strategy" is an independent publication launched in January 2023 by me, Scott Nadler. If you subscribe today, you'll get access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available.

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Roughly once a month, you'll get the newsletter directly in your email inbox. No more worrying about whether you missed something in all the social media mess.

And what is that content?

You'll see me writing about three different topics that often connect, overlap and affect each other in interesting ways:

  1. Sustainability: The whole messy world of long-term environment, social and economic issues, with a special emphasis on climate change
  2. Strategy: For your career, company and community. To me, strategy is the ability to act with intention, with an integrated view of value and values, of aspirations and limitations. Strategy combines the vision to create better outcomes, the planning to articulate a path to those outcomes, and the communication, discipline and coalition-building to lead others along the path successfully.
  3. Sanity: At least, what keeps me sane. This is mostly about perspective, looking at things through different lenses, stepping back and looking at things in context. Specifically, for me this includes history, geography and culture. It includes the unique perspectives of living where I do in the high desert mountains of the Southwest, where I grew up (including Africa and Asia) and where I've travelled for work and pleasure.

Still to come: Access all areas, plus premium content

Later this year, I may offer upgraded (i.e. paid) access. I'll share more about that if and when I get that far.

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